We allow 48 hours after the item is ‘Delivered’ to report any issues
with your order. If the wrong item arrives, the item is incorrectly
described or does not work, you are able to return for a full refund. If
the correct item arrives and simply does not fit, we will not accept a
return for a refund - only a return for a size exchange.
Once a return label is issued by MX Locker support,
you have 48 hours to place your order in transit back to the seller.
Failure to return your item in the 48-hour time period will result in funds
automatically being released to the seller, and the return canceled.
We allow 48 hours after the item is ‘Delivered’ to report any issues
with your order. If the wrong item arrives, the item is incorrectly
described or does not work, you are able to return for a full refund. If
the correct item arrives and simply does not fit, we will not accept a
return for a refund - only a return for a size exchange.
Once a return label is issued by MX Locker support,
you have 48 hours to place your order in transit back to the seller.
Failure to return your item in the 48-hour time period will result in funds
automatically being released to the seller, and the return canceled.