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Pulled from a wonderfully clean 2003 Honda cr85r
2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97
This is the whole kit n kaboodle
transmission shafts shift forks shift drum hardware shift shaft springs all gears in excellent condition ready to install
If you're serious about it make a reasonable offer and I'll most likely accept it
These parts are all removed from the same engine that was in beautiful condition serial number was pictured for reference
found this for the list of models with this engine serial number prefix:
HE07 CR85R-SW 3 2003
HE07 CR85RB-LW 3 2003
HE07 CR85R-SW 4 2004
HE07 CR85RB-LW 4 2004
HE07 CR85R-SW 5 2005
HE07 CR85RB-LW 5 2005
HE07 CR85R-SW 6 2006
HE07 CR85RB-LW 6 2006
HE07 CR85R-SW 7-8 2007-2008
HE07 CR85RB-LW 7-8 2007-2008
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Payment is held until the item is delivered and approved by a buyer. Receive your item as described or your money back.
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