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Introducing Daytime Lightning BoltZ, Bagger Nation's newest Super Bright LED's. The latest in our Super Bright LED technology, the NEW Daytime Lightning BoltZ are self-contained, bolt-in, flush-mounted and crazy bright! • Taillights, brake lights and turn signals all in one incredibly small package. The NEW Daytime Lightning BoltZ measure 15mm (19/32") in diameter and you simply drill a hole, bolt them in and wire them up. It's that easy! • You can also create your own custom taillight design with the original Lightning BoltZ, the only limitation being your imagination! You can also create your own custom taillight design with the original Lightning BoltZ, the only limitation being your imagination! Daytime Lightning BoltZ Super Bright LED's are sold in pairs and come in gloss black or silver finish.
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Payment is held until the item is delivered and approved by a buyer. Receive your item as described or your money back.
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