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Top end rebuild kit for 2006-13 KX100. Cylinder is a properly Replated OEM Kawasaki - stock bore size, with a standard (A-size) piston. *Due to the fact that a large number of our customers do not return their cores (which depletes our inventory and cannot be re-plated for the next customer), we require you to Send Your Core to us before we release your order. Please make sure it is NOT sleeved (if it is, we will not be able to fulfill your order). Please remove to ALL fittings including studs, power valves, etc. as our cylinders are shipped completely bare. Please avoid any damage to gasket surfaces when removing these items as it could result in a repair fee.* INCLUDED: - PRO-X Piston or Premium Wossner piston optional at checkout - Rings - Wrist Pin - Wrist pin bearing - Circlips - Top End Gasket Kit - Re-plated Dimensions and plating are within factory Kawasaki specs. MAKE SURE YOUR CYLINDER IS NOT AN AFTERMARKET CYLINDER, PORTED OR IRON SLEEVED (IF YOUR CYLINDER FALLS INTO ANY OF THESE CATEGORIES WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PROCESS YOUR ORDER.
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Payment is held until the item is delivered and approved by a buyer. Receive your item as described or your money back.
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