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TB parts engine dress up kit. This kit includes a few TB billet dress up pieces for the best price possible. 2010+ Kawasaki KLX110 only. TB dress up engine covers are CNC finished billet aluminum, hard anodized, and have a sleek race oriented design for a great look and feel.
Ignition/Generator Case Cover, KLX110 2010+
Key Features:
Oil Fill Cap
TBparts oil fill cap for all KLX110s.
Key Features:
Torque – 120 Inch-Lbs.
TB Timing Plug
TBparts billet timing plug. For all Z125, KLX140, and 2010+ KLX110s.
Key Features:
Torque to 100 Inch-Lbs.
TB Crankshaft Plug
TBparts billet crankshaft plug (Generator Cover cap). For all Z125, KLX140, and 2010+ KLX110s.
Key Features:
Torque to 120 Inch-Lbs.
TB Part Numbers: TBW1631, TBW1633, TBW1635, TBW1641
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Payment is held until the item is delivered and approved by a buyer. Receive your item as described or your money back.
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